Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First week in Marseille

Our first full week in Marseille has past and we are settling into our new life for the summer.  The kids are pros at the transport system and can tell us which Metro to hop on when:)  Isaac has a very good
sense of direction(even better than Kevin:)

Cooper and Mei had separate meltdowns this am that ended with them saying they were really homesick and just wanted to go home.  I know this is normal and we talked with them about how normal it is to miss home and our dog.  They both voiced how much they did miss their dog, Lucy.  So we decided to eat a quick lunch and explore a new beach.  This was one close to where Pete and Ruth Mitchell live and they enjoy it.  So when we get off the bus, we see a promising sign that said "Gelato" so we tucked that info away for later.  The water was perfect and calm and the kids loved splashing about in the sea.  We of course brought our ball that goes most places with us.  Some teenage girls even asked to kick the ball around with the boys.  They could not organize because the girls did not speak English and went splashing away back into the water.  It was fun to see some kids learning to sail out in the inlet.  There was one motor boat pulling a bunch of mini sailboat all in a row.  Like a mother duck followed by the babies!  You can see the blue sails in the picture.  The kids thought that would be fun to do, but I told them I am pretty sure they could not do it because they would need to know how to speak French to do it:)  Behind the sail boats it the city of Marseille, or at least part of it.  We are going to go on more of a tour later this week.

This is Gabriel.  Isaac was on his team one of the many times we have been to the park playing soccer.  It was so cute to see them high-fiving after they make a goal.  I hope we see this kid again!  He is so sweet!

We got our monthly bus/tram/metro passes so we can hop on and off several times a day easily! yay!!
Mei at the Longchamp park overlooking Marseille.  She got bored at the park and I told her we could do a photo shoot.  She is a good little model!

The French church we are working with at the Flash Mob/gospel choir this past weekend.  They did this in the middle of a busy mall.  The French people in general have a great interest in "gospel" choirs and people will sing in them, even if they are not Christians.  Many people stopped to watch and enjoy.  It was a great event for the church and fun too!  
click here if you want to see it!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of_LgLWHy9Y

Here is one picture from the park that Mei took!  I thought she did a good job!  She gets bored watching the boys play, so now she loves taking pictures, too!
We went to the next apartment that we will have for the month of July on Monday and met the nice family that lives there.  They have 2 boys and more space to spread out.  We are going to love living there I think!  Another week and a few days in our current place then we move down the street!

Tonight I went to the airport with Pete to pick up our 3 girl interns!  So happy to see them all arrive safe! Our first team meeting is in the am!  


  1. What wonderful memories you are creating for your family! So sweet that Mei would rather do a photo shoot with Mommy. We've met a few folks in our new church that came to the Lord through RUF. Makes us so thankful for all you and Kevin do to glorify God with your talents!

  2. I love getting a glimpse into this adventures that you guys are on. So fantastic to see you all jumping right on in and enjoying the culture and your neighbors. We miss you already, but have a marvelous time and keep telling us all about it!
