Thursday, June 9, 2011


I finally found internet here in Marseille so I can upload the pics from a couple days ago in Venice!

So we arrived in Venice about 2:30pm after a 4 hr ride on the fast train from Rome.  We got first class tickets, which is what the lady told us we needed to get when we reserved it.  We were so thankful to have it!  It had 4 seats facing each other and they had a shared table that we used to play card games!  We brought a new Monopoly card game that was pretty fun, although it did end in tears a few times.  We played pass the pigs, which is always fun!
Of course when we got to Venice, it was raining again.  We hopped on our water taxi that took us to our stop by our hotel.  You can notice from the picture that Mei has a couple balloons attached to her backpack.  I think I forgot to tell you we saw a big wedding party get off the train in Vernazza on our way to Rome.  They were there for a wedding that day in Vernazza.  We ran into a few people there for the wedding at breakfast and they told us the wedding would be that day on top of the castle in Vernazza!  It was so fun to see the bride and about 40 people all dressed up get off the train before we got on.  They had decorated the train with bows and balloons.  We grabbed a few and tied them to backpacks:)
                                                       This is Mei going into our hotel in Venice

We only had one afternoon/night in Venice so we put on our rain gear and pressed on to San Marco Square!  This is on top of the famous Rialto Bridge, which is very close to where we stayed.

Bird boy in San Marco Square!!
Isaac was not afraid of the pigeons!  Thankful the rain let up!

We toured around some of the famous sites there and had to find dinner.  Everyone was kind of sick of pizza and pasta, because we have had that everyday for a week!  So we spotted a Hard Rock Cafe and decided some American food would be good for the little bit of homesickness that was settling in.  We went back after grabbing our last bit of Gelato and turned in early because we had to catch a very early train back to Marseille, France to unpack for the summer! 

1 comment:

  1. That bird pic with Isaac is slightly creepy! Love reading of your adventures and hope to visit there myself one day......preferably without my kids :)
