Monday, June 6, 2011

Vernazza day 2 (revisited!)

Now that my internet is running better, I can revisit my Vernazza day 2 post and hopefully upload some fun pics!  One day 2 we took a boat over to town 1 in the 5 towns of Cinque Terra:  Riomaggiore.  Here we did some snorkeling and both boys saw some real fish!  This was the first time Isaac has ever tried it and he loved it!  Cooper of course was very excited to see some big fish!  The only time he has ever snorkeled was in FL and saw tiny fish! We ate more pizza and took a boat back to Vernazza.  Right as we were pulling up to Vernazza, the sky opened up and it started pouring rain!  It was kind of a crazy fun memory to see Vernazza all wet and everyone ducking under restaurant umbrellas and shop canopies.  We escaped pretty quickly and opened our window to watch the people down below.  The decision was made to get pizza to go for the kids and put on a movie on our computer in the room.  The Kevin and I escaped up the hill to the Castle Restaurant, but this time alone for a quick dinner date.  They had my phone to text if they needed and the town is so tiny they could walk up the stairs if they needed.  They did great!  Yay!  A much need hour and a half away from the kids!  This has been a fun time with them, but we were thankful to get a quick date.



the Vernazza harbor rocks

Coop at the castle restaurant  day 1

pizza, pizza and more pizza!!  That is mostly what these kids have eaten in Italy!

out our window in Vernazza!

Mei climbing on the Vernazza rocks

Coop snorkeling! 

Isaac and Mei in the surf at Riomaggiore
fruit stand in Riomaggiore

I have many more pics, but that is all for now!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting, Wendy! The kids are going to love having these memories!
