Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 2 in Marseille

Last week after the interns arrived, we spent the rest of the week doing orientation.  We also got to know Marseille alittle more by seeing some of the most beautiful sites!  Here are the intern girls in front of the old harbor.  They were looking toward one of the oldest churches in Marseille that is rich in history.  We got to tour the church and learn some amazing history of this region.  If you look to the right in the above you will see the round domes of the Notre-Dame.  The next picture is from the top of there overlooking the city!

Justine, Katie, Claire, and Alisa on top of the 505 ft perch at Basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde

On Friday we were able to hear from a retired pastor here in France that explained the history of the French church from 1500-present.  It was so great to hear him talk about how God has worked in this country.  We even got to hear him sing some of the original Psalms they use to sing in the church in French in this region.  Ruth hung out with my kids so I got to be a part of this wonderful day of learning.  
Friday night we were invited to go to our neighbors' apartment upstairs.  We had met her a few times and said Hi to her and one time Pete was with us and translated that she wanted us to come upstairs on Friday for drinks and snacks.  This is a pretty big deal, because in this culture many people don't invite you up to there place after a couple of meetings.  Pete said this was an honor.  So Friday night, we took Alisa with us to help us translate.  Mrs. Suzie was very happy we brought her along and that we could communicate.  Suzie and Alisa hit it off and she wants her to come back and see her!  Alisa will be here past the summer so it was good to get her connected with her.  We had a lovely time getting to know her and she even told us about a big yard sale (here they say Clean out Your Attic Sale) close by on Sunday.  She said she would love to show us Sunday.  We set up a time after church to meet her.  

On Saturday we planned a very fun activity on our off day.  We went with Pete and Ruth's son, Charlie and some others to the Calanque.  These are limestone cliffs shaped by years of rain and wind and the sea.  It is so beautiful!  You could could spend a couple days hiking the whole 12 miles of these beautiful cliffs, but we decided the the 45 min hike one way was enough.  Here is what we saw:
That little island on the left looks like Neverland.  That is where we swam!

Katie taking a leap!

Here is our hiking group!

So after church on Sunday, we did go to the sale with our neighbor.  We ended up back at the Longchamp Park.  We came home and watched a family movie about baseball we had brought.  

This week is a busy week planning the English Camp the interns with help run in a couple weeks.  They also are helping throw a big party Thursday night for the English clubs.  So i will be hanging out with the kids and exploring more of the city with the kids.  We also move apartments the end of the week.  

Hope you are enjoying your summer! 

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