Sunday, June 5, 2011

When in more gelato!

Well, we have had internet problems so I did not get to update you on day 2 in Vernazza. It was wonderful. I have many pics to upload to show you, but I can't get them off yet. My airport on my computer is not connecting to the wireless here in Rome. We got to Rome last night and did a little exploring in the city. We found some yummy dinner and then the search for the best gelato began. Rick Steves' guidebook gave general directions and we wondered around for a good long while trying to find it. It was worth it!
The hotel here in Rome has wireless and air conditioning! So everyone slept very good once we finally got in bed. This is one of the only hotels we found that has one hotel room with 5 beds! It also has breakfast included.

So we started the day with breakfast in the hotel then we were off. Our first stop was the Colosseum. We all had the Rick Steves audio tour of the Colosseum on our iPods we had downloaded so we all listened on our own as we walked around. It was great to have the background info as we walked around.
After that we got to a pizzeria and got to sit across the street from a local guys soccer tournament. The boys love watching that!
Then we went to find more gelato. At least we are walking lots.... We found a fancy place by the colosseum. They served it to us in fancy dishes and it cost more than our lunch! It was worth it:)
Then we headed to The Forum. It had just started to rain, but we pressed on the see some of the Ancient ruins. This is our last full day, so we wanted to squeeze a little more in. After that it started raining harder and by this time it was 4:30 and the kids were done walking. We finally found the place to get a taxi. We piled in and came back to dry out and get ready for dinner. In the morning we catch the fast train to Venice!!

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